our reference

our reference

our reference

FEA engineering analysis for modified tubesheet inlet cooler equipment PGCA-HT-2030 A/B and PGCA-HT-2035 A/B

Inlet coolers bearing equipment number PGCA-HT-2030 A/B and 2035 A/B are to be delivered…

Evaluation of maximum internal rupture pressure on Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO)

The performed work is part of steel fabrication engineering and installation of new…

Elastic plastic assessment of Gas Mercury Removal Unit (MRU) Bed Vessels PGCA-VA-2510 A/B & PGCA-VA-3110 A/B

The Gas Mercury Removal Unit (MRU) Bed Vessel bearing equipment numbers…

Fatigue damage assessment of Memguard Adsorption Vessels V-2211 A/B/C/D/E

Pressure vessel engineering for the memguard adsorption vessel bearing equipment number…

Transient fatigue damage assessment of air dryer vessel 84-U005-C01 and 84-U005-C02

Part of the pressure vessel engineering for equipment 84-U005…

FEA engineering analysis of chimney tray in new LP-Flash / Stripper equipment T-1302

The new LP-Flash / Stripper column bearing equipment number T-1302 is to be …

FEA engineering for fatigue damage assessment of reactor tank R-30301

The reactor tank bearing equipment number R-30301, trough general pressure…

FEA engineering of local stress analysis on selected nozzles in Gas Mercury Adsorbent Vessels V-2301A and V-2301B

As part of the pressure vessel engineering, the Gas Mercury Adsorbent Vessels V-2301A…

Pressure vessel engineering due to out of roundness assessment shell courses in Amine Absorber 102-30A-C-0201

Pressure vessel fabrication of the amine absorber column bearing equipment number…

Redundancy analysis for Donghea 1 offshore jacket structure

The Donghea 1 offshore jacket structure has been operating since 2004 in the Donghea…

Degree of Bending (DOB) input for RBI sensitivity study on South Arne lattice tower

As part of the on-going work on the South Arne platform, which include updates of the…

Ship Collision and Deterministic Fatigue Analyses in New Fender in Tyra West B

Ship collision analyses and deterministic fatigue analyses are carried out for the new fender…

Fatigue analysis on dehydration adsorber

The Calcasieu Pass LNG Export Terminal Project involves development of export facility…

Blast load analysis on safe habitat

Safe habitat consist of portal frame structure and blast panel walls are subjected to military…

Exhaust stack for offshore processing facility

Tapis Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) and Rejuvenation Project involves integrating utilities…

Thermal gradient assessment on circular girth weld

Five different equipment subjected to cold cryogenic services are to be delivered to…

Refracted boundary parts exposed to extreme heating

One unit of superclaus reactor equipment and two units of first and second converters are…

Refracted boundary parts exposed to extreme heating

One unit of superclaus reactor equipment and two units of first and second converters are…